Study and Lifestyle

Stress is a part of life. It is a normal reaction to emotional, intellectual or physical activities. It can be positive if it keeps us alert, motivated, and ready to avoid danger. However, it can also be negative if it becomes extreme as it can increase the chances of depression and other problems.

Here are some tips to help you manage stress:

  • Keep a positive attitude.
  • Accept that there are events that you can’t control.
  • Share your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming angry or quiet.
  • Learn and practice relaxation techniques. Try deep breathing or listening to relaxing music.
  • Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it’s fit.
  • Eat a healthy range of foods.
  • Learn to manage your time effectively. Keeping a calendar of important dates to stay organized can help.
  • Make time for leisure, hobbies and interests.
  • Get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events.
  • Don’t rely on alcohol, drugs, or food to reduce stress. Try not to drink too much coffee either.
  • Find social and emotional support. Spend enough time with friends and family who understand what you are going through.

You can call Child Helpline Cambodia anytime for free on 1280 if you would like to receive emotional support or further information on this subject.

It’s important to get the right amount of sleep for you, so you can be effective when you are awake. However, sometimes it can be difficult to fall or stay asleep because of emotional problems or your sleeping environment.

Here are some tips to help you sleep better:

  • Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time everyday.
  • Have short sleeps to make up for lost sleep.
  • Let as much natural light into your home and study space as possible.
  • Create a relaxing sleeping environment. Try to keep your room cool and make your bed comfortable. Try to keep the room quiet, with the amount of light or darkness that you are comfortable with.
  • Eat a balanced range of food and get regular exercise.
  • Avoid eating big meals late at night.
  • Avoid drinking too many liquids late at night, particularly coffee and alcohol.
  • Try to cope or deal with unhappy, nervous and stressful feelings. Try deep breathing or listening to slow and soft music.

You can call Child Helpline Cambodia anytime for free on 1280 if you would like to receive emotional support or further information on this subject.

How can I become an outstanding student and improve my memory?

We all want to do well in our studies and it can be hard work trying to remember everything, particularly when we’re very busy. But as the Khmer Poem says: “no one is born being good at all things” and “you become good at things through hard work.”

It’s important to understand that learning is an individual thing so not everyone learns the same way. Some people learn visually, through talking, or by writing and reading, while other people learn through a combination of all methods.

The key to studying and learning is being able to understand the meaning of a topic and being able to put it into your own words. Being able to think about what you learn and how to apply it in practice is also learning. This process is called reflection.

Here are some study tips that you can pick and choose from to find what suits your learning style best:

  • Memorization:
    Try reading information aloud many times, copy it by handwriting, or have someone else read it out loud for you and then you summarize its meaning.
  • Taking Good Notes:
    Write down key points in class and use short sentences. Try describing things in your own words that keep the same meaning. Also try developing short-cut descriptions – sometimes called abbreviations – to help you write notes faster. You can then write longer or more detailed notes after lessons as part of your study.
  • Highlighting:
    Try highlighting keys words or phrases with a bright coloured marker when reading or writing. This will help you remember the information or find it again.
  • Reviewing:
    At the end of a study session, review your work by identifying main themes and areas that still need more work.
  • Group Study:
    Sometimes it can help to break up studying on your own by discussing topics in a group with your fellow students and learning from each other. Different opinions and ideas can increase your knowledge and understanding.
  • Planning:
    Plan your study with a calendar and schedule blocks of time for different subjects or tasks. Be realistic with your time and give yourself regular breaks.
  • Rewards:
    Treat yourself with a break or reward if you study hard or get a good result. Maintaining a healthy balance between study and leisure can really help.

Here are some tips to help you remember information during lessons:

  • Try sitting in an area where you can clearly hear and see your teacher. If you sit at the back of the classroom, you may be disturbed by other students and loose your concentration.
  • If you have problems or feel stressed, you may be distracted as well. Try to resolve your problems so you can think more clearly and stay focused.
  • Ask your teacher questions if you do not understand something or would like more information on a topic you are interested about.
  • Try to listen to your teacher as well as take notes. Listening is an important part of learning as well. If your teacher allows it and your phone can do it, record your teacher’s lectures so you can focus on listening and make detailed notes later.

You can call Child Helpline Cambodia anytime for free on 1280 if you would like to receive emotional support or further information on this subject.