Self Image

Everyone has a different body shape and size. Try to understand your motivation for wanting to change your weight / height. For example, is it because of pressure from or comments made by your friends? Are you struggling with low self esteem?

If you want to gain or loose weight, it is important to still eat a healthy range of food, and continue with regular physical exercise. You might also like to speak with a food specialist, sometimes called a Nutritionist, and they will help you develop a safe eating plan.

Your height depends on your genes which are physical, emotional and behavioral things or characteristics that are passed down from your parents to you when you were conceived. You can’t control your genes as they are your own human biology.

Sometimes certain clothes or shoes may help you appear shorter or taller, slimmer or wider. Try to find clothes that work for your body type and stand proud no matter what height or size you are.

You can call Child Helpline Cambodia anytime for free on 1280 if you would like to receive emotional support or further information on this subject.

First, it might be good to understand more about acne. Acne is a skin disease that involves the oil glands of the skin and can affect people of all races and ages all over the body. However it most commonly affects young people on their face, shoulders and chest. It’s not dangerous, but it can leave scars.

Here are some tips to help you if you have acne:

  • Gently wash your face twice each day with mild face soap.
  • Don’t try to pop pimples as doing so may spread infection and cause scarring.
  • If you would like to get rid of a pimple for a special event, such as a wedding, ask a doctor to help you.
  • Try to avoid touching your face unless you have washed your hands first.
  • Wipe your mobile phone and glasses regularly as they will collect oil and skin cells.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing or accessories around the effected area.
  • Try to use light, oil-free make-up and don’t go to sleep with it on.
  • Hair collects oil and skin cells so keep your hair clean and off your face.

If you have very bad acne, you could seek advice from a doctor or skin specialist, sometimes called a Dermatologist.

You can call Child Helpline Cambodia anytime for free on 1280 if you would like to receive emotional support or further information on this subject.

You seem to be concerned about the beauty of skin. Try to remember that everyone’s skin colour is different and beauty is often about being healthy and happy.

Skin color depends on your genes which are physical, emotional and behavioral things or characteristics that are passed down from your parents to you when you were conceived. You can’t control your genes as they are your own human biology.

However, if you would like to make your skin look whiter or lighter, you can protect it from sunlight especially in the middle of the day when the sun is at its strongest. Wear a hat and a long sleeved shirt, and apply sunscreen to any exposed skin. If you want to use a skin product to make your skin whiter you should discuss the idea with a doctor or skin specialist, sometimes called a Dermatologist.

You can call Child Helpline Cambodia anytime for free on 1280 if you would like to receive emotional support or further information on this subject.